Alan Davie. September 28th 1920 - April 5th 201 An early appreciator of New York's Abstract Expressionism Alan Davie was initially influenced by the drip paintings of Jackson Pollock. In the early 1960s he developed a growing interest in mythology, 'magic symbolism' and the religious art of pre-industrial cultures and ancient civilisations. Allied to Jung's 'collective unconscious and Zen Buddhism this took his work into the realm of the mystical and transcendental. Paul Klee, of whom Davie was an admirer, in his book 'On Modern Art - "He (the artist) neither serves nor rules - he transmits" Davie was appointed CBE in 1972 and elected a Senior Royal Academician in 2012. A major exhibition of his work opens on April 14 at Tate Britain…

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