John Wagner and I have just agreed a contract with Warner Television. This will allow them, via their subsidiary company 'Bad Robot', to make a pilot based on the first Button Man story 'The Killing Game'. If the pilot is a success a series will follow. Bad Robot Productions is an American film and television production company owned by J. J. Abrams. Amongst others their television credits include 'Alias', 'Lost', 'Fringe', 'Person of Interest', 'Revolution', 'Six Degrees' and 'What About Brian'. They are also responsible for a couple of the 'Mission Impossible', some 'Star Trek' and other movies - 'Star Wars - The Force Awakens' for instance you may have heard of. Producer on the project is Roger Kass. Among other things Roger was producer on Oscar nominee ' The History of Violence' and co-director of the documentary 'Emptying the Skies'. He has been involved with Button Man since negotiating the DreamWorks deal years ago and it was his commitment that saw this deal realised. Grateful too to Tim DeBaets who acted as agent on this occasion. If, as is natural, you are wondering "how much?", my experience of this kind of thing is limited but my impression is that unlike feature films where everyone is paid shed loads of money from the start, television only makes one rich if the show is a roaring success. All the folk involved have creditable records and while there are no guarantees, - the thing could still get dumped - it is possible I can look forward to a comfortable old age - geriatric but grateful, senile but solvent. Or dead rich. ( that's a joke) If, like me, my friends and family, you are now curious about who the actors might be and whether it will be set in the UK or the USA, I'm afraid I can't help. Possibly at this stage nobody knows. The above was posted November 24th. Today, the 25th, after receiving further information, I need to add that the contracts have not yet been signed so possible I have been a little premature. High hopes but not yet a done deal. December 10th. Still no resolution. Wish I had never mentioned it. December 20th. Remains unsettled. As do I. December 23rd. I am told that Warners believe the deal is done. Little surprising as I have as yet not signed the contract. I do intend to. This does not I understand mean a pilot or series will be made, just that Bad Robot can if they want to. Or make a pilot then decide they don't like it and forget the whole thing. Author's sensibilities it seems are not high on the list of Hollywood's priorities but here we are and one can only hope for an outcome that makes up for what I for one found to be a disconcerting few months of exchanges. December 24th. Christmas present - confirmation from a lawyer no less that it is a done deal. Good.

Submitted by Arthur on Fri, 2016-01-01 11:18


Hullo folks,

thanks for the good wishes.

I couldn't think of a better company to be making a series.

Feeling the New Year has started well anyway.

All the best,

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