My regular work method left little retievable drawing seperate from finished artwork, the Mazeworld picture an exception. Drawings here for stories I planned and/or when considering a change in style and method.
Conversations - imagined as a book of fantasy pics and scheme to reinvent my professional self. Still think it has potential - the ballpiont pen as drawing instrument that is. All but two of all the drawnings here done with that humble instrument.
Twin - Japanese sword and sorcery remaking of a story I had been writing for childrens newspaper 'Scoop'.
Sirius - intergalactic tale of guy saving the universe from creepy folk. Developed from a 1989 UKCAC charity auction drawing. Planned for a 'Future Shocks' submission, became epic space-cowboy yarn. Now appearing at a website near you.
Batman - Thought to write and draw story of Bruce Wayne getting costume made in 1940's Nazi occupied Paris. Disappionted in my forays into super-herodom I wanted to demonstrate dynamic hero stuff.
No projects were completed. It's a commitment thing.
( There is now, 2012, the attempt to make something of the Sirius sketches via a strip on the website)
At times I would 'sketch' in clay or plasticine. Only two examples of that extant are for work I never got round to doing - head of Sirius and the helmet for the 'Ronan the Accuser' job I was unable to finish for Andy Schmidt at Marvel.
Marvel - Ronan the Accuser. Planning revamp of relegated heroes. Copy to Andy elicited reponse "Cool" with which I was very taken. Were more but this only survivor.
Mazeworld. This drawing as mentioned by Alan Grant in my Wikipedia entry. Done prior to script to give me the geography and know where folk were.