30/11/2021  Exhibition at Somerset House, Aldwych, London. October 21st until March 2022.

Curated by artist and Beano lover Andy Holden, the exhibition contains original artwork and artefacts from the magazine's archives as well as contributions from writers, musicians, painters, sculptors, and photographers, grouped together on the premise that they are all artistic rule breakers.

It is an impressive and longish list. For those who might be unfamiliar with some of the names here they are with links attached. Happy browsing.


Sarah Lucas, ( http://www.artnet.com/artists/sarah-lucas/)

Hardeep Pandhal, ( https://filmlondon.org.uk/profile/hardeep-pandhal

Phyllida Barlow   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phyllida_Barlow

Chris Sievey   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_wHcHaPkYnw

Martin Creed   https://www.artsy.net/artist/martin-creed

Alex Chinneck  https://www.designboom.com/tag/alex-chinneck/

Heather Phillipson  https://www.artlyst.com/news/heather-phillipson-quietly-unveils-fourth-plinth-commission-trafalgar-square/

Ryan Gander   https://www.artsy.net/artist/ryan-gander

Jann Haworth   https://awarewomenartists.com/en/artiste/jann-haworth/

Emma Hart   https://www.emmahart.info/

Martin Rowson   https://www.comicartfestival.com/guest/martin-rowson

Rene Matić   https://www.renematic.com/bold-tendencies

Bedwyr Williams   https://www.studiointernational.com/index.php/bedwyr-williams-milquetoast-review-southwark-park-galleries-london

 Alex Wheatle    https://www.alexwheatle.com/

About the show -  https://www.somersethouse.org.uk/whats-on/beano-art-of-breaking-the-rules

There is a comic strip from artist Nicola Lane and a neon sculpture from Simeon Barclay

Characters Dennis and Gnasher, Minnie the Minx and the Bash Street Kids - shown  here - are featured.


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