13/01.2022 Cartoon Conference 2022: Survival Guide
For cartoonists and comic creators this conference offers a promise to meet others like themselves and learn some stuff about earning a living and the doing the job.
February 7th 9.30am for a 10 am start
The Cartoon Museum, 63 Wells Street, London, W1T 3PT
My own experience is of working for mainstream comics where one submits samples of work and if offered a commission have the choice of accepting or not the terms offered, The topics chosen here rather suggests this conference is aimed at people interested in doing things in other ways
Speakers include:
Martin Rowson – Chairman of the British Cartoonist’s Association – ‘Getting Ahead In Cartooning: How to Lose Friends & Infuriate people’
Society of Authors – The UK trade union for all types of writers, illustrators and literary translators – ‘Negotiating with publishers’
Association of Illustrators – ‘Publishing Contracts Masterclass’ – a guide to copyright, contracts, rights, advances, and royalties.
Ruby Etc – ‘Online/Offline: Experiences of a Cartoonist on Social Media’ – cartoonist Ruby Etc talks about her use of social media.
Natasha Natarajan – “FML Comics: It’s all about the process, right?” – Natashas r journey as a comics artist.
Stephen Holland – Comics Laureate - talk about his experiences as a comics laureate and bookseller.
Steve Marchant – ‘How to teach cartooning the Marchant way’ – Cartoonist and educator Steve discusses life as a cartoonist working in the field of education.
Holly Burrows – Commercial Manager at The Cartoon Museum – ‘Get stocked’. Hints and tips on what you need to do to for the best chance of retailers taking your work on for sale.’
£60 Standard / £40 Student / AOI Members can get 20% discount with code: 20AOI
Catering will be provided so that’s nice.
The Cartoon Museum have a small number of bursary places available – please email shop@cartoonmuseum.org for an application form.