Spellbound.Magic, Ritual and Witchcraft. August 31st – January 6th Ashmolean Museum, Beaumont Street, Oxford Oxfordshire OX1 2PH The Ashmolean Museum of Art and Architecture currently has, along with other treasures, an exhibition of objects relating to superstition, magical beliefs, witchcraft and the like. Quote – “They range from the fantastical and macabre (a unicorn’s horn, a human heart encased in lead), the beautiful and mysterious (exquisitely engraved rings to bind a lover and medieval books of ritual magic), to the deeply moving confessions of women accused of witchcraft.” There are also works by contemporary artists who make play with themes of the show. Having recently been talking about Mike Mignola, having read Philip Pulmans’s review of the show in which he proposes that this “irrationality ’ is at the root of creativity, lately thinking about the long ago girls comic ‘Misty’, and having been part of Judge Anderson’s adventures in the supernatural, I thought this exhibition might appeal to other comic readers with an interest in What Ifs and Just Suppose’s. https://www.ashmolean.org/spellbound

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