Jewish Comic Con. November 13th. Congregation Kol Israel 603 St Johns Place Brooklyn NY, 11213 This is a Comic Con I would like to visit. I have little idea of what there will be to see. The images here illustrations to this blog rather than a preview of what will be in any exhibition the Jewish Comic Con might be showing. If you Google 'Jewish Comic-books' the images one gets is largely of the American comics we are used to, some regular comics but with Hebraic typography, and only some few whose content is specifically aimed at Jewish readers..( I imagine the same kind of division would exist when searching for comics of other religions. ) 'American comics we are used to' predominate because many of the artists and writers were/are Jewish - Superman and Batman for instance both created by Jewish folk - but the fact of their creators religious beliefs not evident in the final product.. The fantasy of having the personal power to overcome bad guys not being exclusive to any particular group. True, it might have more pull with people who have too often been at the wrong end of the bad guys exercising power. There are exceptions.. Art Spiegleman and Will Eisner for example have both used their religious background in the stories they have told. It has been a while since I read books on Jewish beliefs but Eisners 'Contract with God' rings a bell in that it looks to a different, a more give and take, relationship with God than Islam or Christianity would allow. These are stories where things happen because a character is Jewish, having membership of a group effects how the hero behaves and is behaved toward. This is not the case with Eisner's 'The Spirit' who appears to be, well, a free spirit. There was the interesting creation of a comic using Jewish super-heroes with names and abilities that were associated with Judaic lore but it run to only a few editions. I would like to visit this show because I would be interested to know what its organisers have to say about the idea of how comic-book characters and stories might be shaped by the nature of the religious affiliations of individual creators, how that might appear in the work they produce. Presently, unless the author of the work is making a point of it I don't believe one could tell or has any need to. I can see the point of celebrating ones gang being so good at something though and this bunch were. Some of them very. If you are going check the sites FAQ first.… An article about the Jewish guys who helped make American comics as we know them and why.

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