
Based on the television series the comic strip Robin of Sherwood ran in Look-in magazine between 1984 and 1986. All written by Angus Allan and illustrated largely by Mike Noble, though also at different times Phil Gascoine and myself. Some were in colour, some in black and white.

Publishers Rebellion, Chinbeard Books and Spiteful Puppet pooled resources to collate the entire run and is due to be on sale in May.

This 288 page hardback book features specially written inserts by Robert Hammond (restoration technician and graphic designer), Hooded Man author Andrew Orton, and commissioning editor Barnaby Eaton-Jones. There is also an essay on Mike Noble by comic book artist Lee Sullivan who also provides a commissioned piece of art..

It is ONLY available via the Spiteful Puppet website


Images 2 - Mike Noble,3 - Phil Gascoigne, 4 - me,

( For the record, there was a short  period when Mike was busy elsewhere that I was colouring his artwork. The publishers would not have been aware of that and I doubt that even I could now distinguish which pages. )

All copyrights acknowledged

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