Painter John Martin (1789-1854)  whose dramatic and biblical apocalyptic works were so popular throughout the 19th century - five thousand people paid to see his ‘Belshazzar’s Feast’ - but fell into disregard in his later years is now being re-assessed with the first exhibition dedicated to him in thirty years at The Laing Art Gallery, New Bridge Street, Newcastle  March 5th until June 5th.  
Martins work has appeared on heavy metal album covers and special effects man Ray Harryhausen has described Martin as ‘the father of modern cinema’. The pioneer director of spectaculars D.W. Griffiths was aware of Martin's work. He appeals to comic book readers for his panoramic spectacle and convincingly showing you exciting things you hope never see in real life. 

If you can’t make it to Newcastle the website is devoted to his life and works and  includes his ‘Paradise Lost’ illustrations.

Submitted by Arthur on Tue, 2011-03-08 22:56


Hullo Tobias, good to hear from you and that is a great link. Thanks. I hadn't seen the work before. And isn't it tempting to try something like the work Wayne is doing?

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