04/08/2022 More diabolical drawings. These, with one obvious exception, were prompted by art from medieval times when folk had firm beliefs about the horrors of Hell and the imagination to visualise them.

Submitted by Arthur on Sat, 2022-08-06 03:03


Hullo Joan,

the first image, which I am assuming is the one you think of as Demon Andras, was based on the something  used on the cover design of the Penguin version of 'Dante's Inferno'. Now seems likely that that was taken from 'Dictionaire Inferno' which I don't know but will now look for it.






Submitted by Arthur on Sat, 2022-08-06 13:22


Hullo Joan,


Found the original of that via Google and was lax enough not go any further than the image.

It would seem you know your stuff when it comes to demonology. I am just skimming the surface.

Optimistically I check for comments every day and my usual practice is to respond at once. Seems rude not to.



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