Visions of the ( real) Universe

Visions of the Universe
An exhibition mixing science and art, with photographs by Wolfgang Tillmans alongside the most spectacular images captured by the Hubble telescope and interplanetary robot explorers . 'the aesthetic marvel that is the cosmos'.
The Alternative Guide to the Universe

The Alternative Guide to the Universe.
Exhibition at Hayward Gallery, Southbank Centre, Belvedere Road, London SE1 8XX
Tuesday June 11 - Monday August 26
Work by self-taught and individually minded artists, engineers and physicists. Wild science, art and eccentricity.

These images were scanned from the Guardian newspaper's 'Weekend' supplement. There are five pages of Matilda Tristram's comic. The accompanying article is concerned with Matilda's experience. It doesn't give any details of where, when or how the comic might be seen.
Matilda Tristram has a website where, in addition to other work, drawings for this story appear . . .
Ray Harryhausen RIP

Ray Harryhausen. June 29th 1920 - May 7th 2013
Ray Harryhausen was the clay-model animator responsible for creating Dynamation, - the technique, not the word. This used Harryhausen designed models in stop-motion animation combined with live action footage.
He did make films that were all animation but what this escapist, fantasist, adventure story loving boy loved best were the live actor and animated model movies with heroes engaging with magic, mythology, monsters and the macabre.
Serbia right

The market for comics in Serbia fell after the break-up of the old Yugoslavia and the ex-Yugoslavian republics. With a lowered standard of living people had less money for, or interest in, comics.
It's a lady

One of the pleasures of Rebellion, the UK publishers of comics 2000AD and The Judge Dredd Megazine, has been its willingness to break boundaries.
Carmine Infantino RIP

Carmine Infantinio (May 24 1925 - April 4 2013 ) was an artist whose work encompassed both the Golden Age And Silver Age of comics
Get (more) Button Man

The three Button Man stories by John Wagner and myself have been collected into one book by Rebellion. Sub-titled 'Get Harry Ex' publication is planned to coincide with the Diego comicon in September and for New York in October.

The past is not just for the aged reminiscing about the days (following references meaningful only to older British citizens) when a ha'penny* was a twenty-fourth part of a shilling and would buy one an OXO cube to lick on the way to school. The past is for all those with a curiosity about their roots. For those with an interest in the history of comics and illustration, where we came from and surprise!
Sea Rex

All comic fans like a bit of prehistoric scary stuff. Those in or near London can get a fix at London's Science Museum . . .
'Tsk graphic novels'

'Graphic novel' as a term first reached my conscious in the seventies by way of an advertisement from the comic shop Forbidden Planet.