TV Button Man

John Wagner and I have just agreed a contract with Warner Television. This will allow them, via their subsidiary company 'Bad Robot', to make a pilot based on the first Button Man story 'The Killing Game'.
If the pilot is a success a series will follow.
Bad Robot Productions is an American film and television production company owned by J. J. Abrams.
TINTIN: Hergé's Masterpiece

TINTIN: Hergé's Masterpiece. Somerset House
12 November 2015 – 31 January 2016
Daily 10.00-18.00 (last entry 17.15)
Late night Thursdays & Fridays until 21.00 (last admission 20.15) from Friday 13 November
Terrace Rooms, South Wing
Free admission
Tintin is one of the most iconic comic-strip heroes. With a his trusty dog Snowy, Tintin has worldwide sales of more than 200 million copies of the 24 albums.
The exhibition covers the evolution of the artwork of Hergé, from the early newspaper strips to the work of the later books.
DC Universe Secret Origins

DC Universe Secret Origins Special Giant Issue presents Secret Origins of Superman-Batman. Green Lantern. Wonder Woman. Flash. Adam Strange. Manhunter from Mars. Green Arrow. Challengers of the Unknown and more.'
The stories largely from the '50s and '60s, couple from'70s and two from '40s.
Some hero and heroine origins are magical or supernatural which are really no explanation at all - but that is fine, this is fantasy fiction where the uncanny and paranormal are quite at home.
edición española

Ahora hay una edición española de ' Button Man - El Juego de la Muerte', publicado por la ECC Edicions de Barcelona.
The Amazing World of M.C. Escher

The Amazing World of M.C. Escher Dulwich Picture Gallery,Gallery Road, London, SE21 7AD
14 October 2015 - 17 January 2016. 10am - 5pm Daily
The first major UK show of work by the great Dutch draughtsman.
Celts - art and identity

Celts - art and identity. 24 September 2015 – 31 January 2016
The British Museum, Great Russell Street, London WC1B 3DG
Put together in partnership with National Museums Scotland this is the first major exhibition to examine the full history of Celtic art and identity.
Manga now: three generations

Manga now: three generations. A display at the British Museum, London WC1, running until November 15th.
It features newly commissioned and recent pieces by three generations of Manga artists . .
Anyone remember the S.S.I ?

The Society for Strip Illustration was formed in 1977 to act as a forum for the comic industry's professionals. It ran till 1992 when it changed its name to Comic Creators Guild.
The brains behind its creation were those of editor and writer Dennis Hooper and popular-culture historian Dennis Gifford.
See you in the Funny Papers.

The way I heard it, - an American publisher/printer with a stack of paper to use up, hit upon the idea of producing a book of reprints of Sunday newspaper strips to use as a free insert into a tabloid newspaper.
This was the 16-page ‘The Funnies’.
Then followed the 36-page one-shot ‘Famous Funnies: A Carnival of Comics’, which may or may not have been free. After that came ‘Famous Funnies‘ (cover-dated July 1934), a 68-page periodical selling for 10¢.
Jackson Pollock

Jackson Pollack Tate Liverpool: Exhibition
30 June – 18 October 2015
I think Jackson Pollock is great. Even if I were to have the erudition to say why I shan't trouble you, or myself, by trying to.
If you are interested there are many learned reviews and criticisms of Pollock and his work on the internet, books to read and galleries to visit.
One such book is "Conversations with Artists", by Seldon Rodman, New York, Capricorn Books 1961 , ,

Claire Barnes, accompanied by Ant Jones, visited and did an interview with me which acts as the basis for an article in the Summer edition (buy now while stocks last) of the publication 'Evergreen'.
Evergreen is a quarterly magazine designed for people of the getting-older persuasion. People like myself who remember 'Film Fun' 'Knockout' and using a thre'penny* bit as legal tender.
Alison Bechdel

Alison Bechdel's comic strip 'Dykes to Watch Out For' ran for 25 years (1983–2006), syndicated in many alternative newspapers in the USA and this book collects many of them. Described by Bechel as "half op-ed column and half endless, serialized Victorian novel" it is a humourful depiction of the everyday lives and loves of a diverse set of lesbians, their friends and acquaintances, their working and political concerns.
More Moore

Praising Alan Moore is a bit like taking shoes to Northampton but even knowing I have come late to this party I wanted to let someone know how much I enjoyed DC's newly published compilation of 'Top 10'.
There is no comic book shop in the country town where I live. The Waterstones book shop has just a few collected editions but generally only the unsurprising commercial titles. The comics I do see are at the local library. Every visit to the library involves at least a glance at their two four-foot shelves that are the 'Graphic Novels' section.