Bad Anderson alternative

The frames appearing here are based in my wish to see Bad Anderson revived for her own series. Had thought to do a complete story rather than the Satan reprise with alternative ending that appears here. However I now think that doing my own strip makes more sense and will be more fun.
R.I.P. Joe Simon

Joe Simon Oct. 11th 1913 - Dec 13th 2011.Comic book artist, writer, editor, and publisher Joe Simon is presently best known as co-creator with Jack Kirby of Captain America. Published in December 1940 it was a full year prior to the U.S.
becoming officially involved in World War II.
Jerry Robinson RIP

Jerry Robinson Jan 1 1922 - Dec 7 2011Creator for Batman comics of The Joker, Robin, Alfred the Butler and Two -face, all of which through TV and movies went on to make a load of money, But not I believe for Jerry. He did have the wit to collect the studios discarded art from the wastepaper basket and was later to be active in securing artist rights to their work.
'Bad' Anderson - diabolical plot

In the story Satan by Alan Grant and myself Psi Judge Cassandra Anderson meets a super villian calling himself Satan. At one point Satan proposes if Cass become his lackey he would not carry out his threat to destroy the planet. Think Silver Surfer /Galactus but with greater scope.
Mazeworld Reviews

My Business and Finance Administrator advised me to do this - no of course he didn't. He doesn't exist, I got the idea from looking at David Lloyd's website.
Artist Gunnel Wählstrand

The Swedish artist Gunnel Wählstrand has some of her ink wash drawings in the exhibition Time and Memory at the Parasol Unit Gallery, 14 Wharf Road, London, N1 7RW. November 22 - February 12th.
R.I.P. Mark Hall. Animator

Mark Hall, after a short illness, died on Thursday aged 74 . Mark Hall with co-creator Brian Cosgrove set up Cosgrove Hall animation that gave us Danger Mouse, Duckula, Alias the Jester. These tales had the great idea of bringing together two disparate genres.
Mazeworld curios

The Mazeworld collected edition now available I feel free to show some recent ‘drawings’, a couple of which appear in the book. These are presented here as a curiosity. Curiosity is what got me started on them in the first place. They sprang from me idling with what I thought of as a t-shirt design (pic.1) on the laptop using PagePlus software. I then considered playing with other possibilities. The result was 'Hanged Man with demon' (pic.
Manga in the Museum

Hoshino Yukinobu (B Jan 29th 1954) esteemed Japanese manga artist, visited the British Museum in 2009 and subsequently produced a mystery story set in the museum. The story featured his popular Professor Munakata who had first appeared in Japan’s Big Comic.
The beauty of Grayson Perry

Telly last night - BBC 1 Imagine ( if you missed it I believe the technology exists for it still to be seen - an I-player or something) had artist Grayson Perry organising an exhibition at the British Museum and related adventures. Grayson Perry (b 1960 in Chelmsford) ceramicist, Turner Prize winner 2003.
de Kooning

New York's Museum of Modern Art is showing a retrospective of Willem de Kooning (1904 -1997) between September 11th 2011 and January 9th 2012. Containing nearly 200 works it shows de Kooning's development over seven decades.
Comics trip

The Guardian on Thursday July 14th in it’s g2 section ran an article ‘The artist’s artist. Graphic novelists. Six leading graphic novelists choose their favourite peer.’ and I have been worrying about it ever since. The artists and their choices are :-
R.I.P. Lucien Freud

Lucian Freud. Painter. 8th August 1922 - 21 July 2011 "The longer you look at an object, the more abstract it becomes, and, ironically, the more real."
Chris Foss book

Here is a book you might be interested in - Hardware: The Definitive SF Works of Chris Foss. Titan Books. Publication date July 22nd.
R.I.P. Cy Twombley

Cy Twombley. April 25th 1928 - July 5th 2011. American painter.
Mervyn Peake

The British Library has acquired the archive of English novelist, illustrator, poet and artist, Mervyn Laurence Peake (b. July 9, 1911, d. Nov. 17, 1968). Peake is best known for his ‘gothic fantasy’ trilogy Titus Groan, Gormenghast, and Titus Alone

It seemed an idea to bring these together. Some are new, most or parts thereof appear elsewhere on the site.
Liam is Sharp

Li'l ol' Guardian reader me blogged ( Words and Pictures March 1st) a complaint about the paper’s Saturday Review failure to credit artists when reviewing graphic novels.
Out of this World

Out of this World - Science Fiction but not as you know it.Exhibition at PACCAR Gallery, British Library 96, Euston Road, London, England, NW1 2DB
R.I.P. Anant Pai

he death has been announced of publisher and editor Anant Pia (1929 - 2011). Born in Karkala, Karnataka, India he worked for the Times of India managing Indrajal comics which reprinted US titles such as Mandrake and Phantom.
Colour me grouchy.

In the intro to the X-File page there is mention of doubts over a particular form of computer colouring, a question over the aesthetics of one approach to colouring comics. There is the suggestion that the reservations will be reappraised. Well I have done that and decided I was right first time - or at least I am now prepared to state a clear preference and try to explain why.
John Martin

Painter John Martin (1789-1854) whose dramatic and biblical apocalyptic works were so popular throughout the 19th century - five thousand people paid to see his ‘Belshazzar’s Feast’ - but fell into disregard in his later years is now being re-assessed . . .
Words and Pictures.

The Guardian Guide section recently ran an article about a writer of comic books with illustrations from his latest project BUT DID NOT GIVE THE NAME OF THE ARTIST! They were nice drawings too. I was offended. The Guardian judging from its Guide and Weekend section is not staffed by folk who are good in the what-things-look-like department but, their bias to the words-are-king apart, this lapse demonstrates a lack of understanding of the appeal of comics and how they work.